Write Insight Newsletter · · 12 min read

How to Make Each Section of an Academic Paper Engaging

Learn to craft engaging intros, related work, clear methods, impactful results, and insightful comments for your academic paper. This guide will help you write compelling content and get published.

Cozy study: desk, chair, lamp. Notebook, pen, hot drink. Laptop with outline. Warm earth tones.
A cozy study setup: wooden desk, comfy chair, glowing lamp with an open notebook.

In today’s newsletter issue, I will share some writing tips for each section of your paper that I have learned throughout my academic career. These tips will help you improve the quality of your writing and increase the chances of your paper being accepted for publication. The journey of writing an academic paper can be both challenging and rewarding. Let's make your writing engaging, informative, and entertaining. I hope you enjoy this longer read (about 15 minutes reading time for this issue).

In today’s newsletter issue, I will share some writing tips for each section of your paper that I have learned throughout my academic career. These tips will help you improve the quality of your writing and increase the chances of your paper being accepted for publication. The journey of writing an academic paper can be both challenging and rewarding. Let's make your writing engaging, informative, and entertaining. I hope you enjoy this longer read (about 15 minutes reading time for this issue).

Tips for Your Introduction

You want to capture the reader's attention immediately in your introduction section. Think of the introduction as an opportunity to make an excellent first impression and set the tone for the rest of your paper. You may want to provide some background information about your topic to provide context and help orient readers before delving into more specific details. Aim to craft an engaging opening to draw your audience in and encourage them to continue reading.

One of my favourite ways to start an introduction is with a surprising fact or statistic to grab the reader's attention. It’s critical to ensure that this factoid is relevant to your research question and reliable (i.e., from a valid source). This type of peculiar hook gives academic readers an incentive to keep reading, because they may be curious about how you will use this piece of information throughout the paper. Or they might disagree with it and want to see you prove your argument for it. It helps to develop credibility for your argument right away by showing that there is evidence behind what you’re saying. You could use several statistics throughout the introduction to further explain why readers should care about your topic. This is not the only way to start an introduction.

You could also ask a thought-provoking rhetorical question. An easy way to do this is to find an interesting fact that forms the foundation of your work (e.g., "approximately 8 million metric tons of plastic waste end up in the ocean each year"). For your rhetorical question, you want to highlight the severity of the issue, the need for change, or the implications of the fact (e.g., "plastic pollution calls for urgent action"). You want readers to ponder the implications of the question being asked. Next, you want to rephrase your facts as a question for dramatic effect and to provoke thought and reflection (e.g., "How can our oceans survive with 8 million metric tons of plastic waste added each year?—this question almost tells a full story with a clear protagonist—the ocean—an antagonist—the plastic waste—and a dramatic struggle—"survive"). This can be a powerful tool for engaging your reader from the very beginning because it encourages them to reflect on their own beliefs and assumptions as they read further into your paper. Think about how you can challenge your audience’s preconceived notions about what you are writing about.

Yet another method for opening your introduction is by beginning with a quote or anecdote that will grab your reader's attention and make them curious about what will come next. An anecdote is a short story or event from real life. It could be something you did or something you heard from someone else. A quote can be from a well-known person or from another paper (or even from your own study if you do qualitative research) that has something to do with the topic of your paper. It should say in a few words what the main point of your writing is. If you use a story or a quote, make sure it fits with the main idea of your paper and isn't too common or overused.

Aside from these three methods, here are some sentence templates for you that you can sneak into your introduction:

  • {People or Nation} have always presumed that {commonly held belief}.
  • Today, rejecting {known assumption} has become widespread.

It is vital to make a great first impression when writing the introduction to your paper. Start with a hook or interesting statement to grab readers' attention and provide background information about the topic, explaining why it is important to discuss or research further. This will ensure readers are properly informed before diving into the main body.

Show how your research improves existing material in the Relevant Work section. Before you talk about your study, you should look at relevant research and point out the ways it is similar to studies that have already been done. Point out unanswered questions or gaps in the existing body of knowledge and provide evidence to support additional research. Explain how your paper is unique and why it is important.

Drawing parallels between your research and things that might not seem to be related can get people interested. This will also show them how far-reaching the effects of your work are and how they could be used in other situations outside of their original field. For example, if you did research on a new way to teach math, you could use related work from psychology to explain why this way is better than others. When you make these connections, you will help people see why your research matters.

You can use metaphors to describe the gaps in your paper when you talk about them. For example, you can compare gaps in the literature to a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. With this comparison, readers will be able to see and understand why they need to do more research. When talking about new trends or theories that have been found in related work, metaphors can also be helpful. You can make hard ideas easier to understand and more accessible by making clever comparisons.

Another great technique for related work is to highlight opposing views. This will show the range of research that has been done in the field and the different ways that people have thought about it. This makes it easier for readers to look at your findings without bias and come to their own conclusions about what you are saying. Additionally, citing arguments from both sides of a debate can add depth to your discussion and give readers a well-rounded view on you topic.

Here are some sentence templates to help with your related work:

  • In their latest work, X and Y have provided disapproving criticisms of {opposing view} for {previous reasons}.
  • X and Y, in their article {article title}, claim that {research finding}. Their research, which demonstrates that {research outcome}, contradicts the notion that {common belief}. They use {new method} to show {impact on society}. X and Y’s argument points to {point you want to make} regarding the more pressing issue of {your topic}.

Tips to Write Your Methods

The methodology section of your paper can make your work accessible to readers. It should be interesting and make it clear to the reader how you did your research and came to your conclusions or findings. Make sure to give enough information so that people can judge the quality and validity of your process. Taking care of any possible sources of bias or mistakes in the methods can help make sure that skeptical readers are more likely to believe that the results are accurate. Use flowcharts when appropriate. This simplifies complex methods for readers.

Analogies are a good way to explain complex methods to help your audience understand the concept more easily. An analogy is when you compare two different things that are not related to draw out similarities and make something easier to comprehend. For example, if you were explaining how user experience (UX) design works, you could use the analogy of hosting a dinner party: each guest represents a user, and the host's goal is to ensure everyone enjoys the experience. This analogy allows your readers, who may not have prior knowledge of UX design, to relate it back to something they already know (i.e., dinner parties) and better grasp its purpose and functionality.

You also want to provide an explanation for why you chose certain methods over alternatives. This shows that you carefully thought about your approach and weighed all of your options before choosing the best one for your research project. Briefly mentioning the advantages of your chosen method will help convince readers that it is indeed effective and appropriate for the task at hand. This helps build trust between paper authors and readers by showing that authors don't just follow popular trends or make decisions without thinking about them or having a reason for doing so.

If you have done so, showcase any unique data collection techniques you used. A new method or something more common in a different field, will make your research stand out and demonstrate the resourcefulness of your approach. You want to emphasize the usefulness of your data collection methods if they aren't often used in studies like yours, so that your readers can decide if they want to adopt your approach. Think about anything from innovative survey question design to new ways of organizing interviews. With many different ways available for gathering information, you should take advantage of unique opportunities when they arise.

Here are some sentence templates to help you write your methods:

  • To ensure the reliability and validity of our study, we used {standard validation method}. We conducted this study in {location}. Before commencing the study, we retained approval from the ethics committee {number of ethics approval}.
  • We performed {analysis method} using the {either common software package or explain purpose}. We conducted a {specific analysis type} to examine the relationship between {conditions of your experiment}.

Create a compelling narrative around your method by explaining step-by-step how you did each experiment or study. Make sure your methods section shows repeatable steps about how you got your data. This will keep people interested in what your research has shown.

Tips to Write Up Results

In your results section, you want to communicate findings without discussing implications yet. Here are some tips for the results section.

You can emphasize any unexpected or counterintuitive findings. This captures the reader's attention and peaks their interest in the discussion. Unexpected or counterintuitive findings can also be used later in the discussion to explain a phenomenon in more detail, help us understand a problem better, or give us a better understanding of some ideas.

Another way to show the impact of your results is to provide relatable examples. Instead of just saying statements like "p < 0.01," state that this is the commonly accepted significance threshold in your field and this shows a accepted effect. This allows readers to better understand the implications of your findings and how they can be applied. As another example, if you’re studying the effects of a certain type of exercise on weight loss, provide an example of healthy weight loss that can be expected after taking up that form of exercise. This shows how your experiment can be put into practice rather than just theoretically. Providing real-world examples brings more relevance to the study itself.

In your results, focus on highlighting the most significant outcomes. Readers can then quickly take away the most important points and remember them in the discussion. You want to provide enough detail about these outcomes so that your readers can understand why they are significant and how they relate to other aspects of your research. In the discussion section, you will talk about what the results of your research mean and how they can be used. This will provide further context for understanding why certain outcomes are significant and what impact they have on future studies.

Here are some sentence templates for your results section:

  • There were no significant differences between group {X} and group {Y} in terms of {aspect your are researching}.
  • Further evidence of {X} was found that {supports your research claims}.

Tips for Your Discussion

In the discussion section, you finally provide a broader perspective on your research.

Here, you want to think beyond the boundaries of your own discipline and consider how the work you've done could be relevant to other disciplines. Drawing these connections can help show readers that your research has a broad impact—beyond just what is immediately apparent. For example, if you're researching language acquisition in early childhood education, you might explore how this knowledge ties into other fields such as psychology or linguistics. Showing these connections will provide context for what your study means and give the discussion section of your paper more depth.

You also want to link your findings and research to real-world applications. You want your audience to understand how the results of your research can be applied in practical contexts. You can give concrete examples if possible so that your readers can better understand what your work means. If applicable, you should also consider any potential ethical implications that may arise from these applications, and discuss them thoughtfully in this section as well.

Finally, you might want to consider alternative interpretations of your results. This opens the door to more research about what these findings mean and how they affect things. It can help encourage research in the future or add more understanding to a current topic. Offering alternative interpretations helps readers better understand and engage with your work because they are able to think about different perspectives on what you have presented. Remembering to include various interpretations will make your paper much stronger overall.

Here some discussion sentence templates:

  • The strength of our work lies in {most important aspect you want to highlight}.
  • Taken together, these findings demonstrate that {desired research outcome}.
  • Regarding the relationship between {variable 1} and {variable 2}, previous research had suggested that {common assumption}; however, our research shows that {new insight}.

Tips for Limitations and Future Work

At the end of your manuscript, you want to grab your readers' attention by looking to the future and pointing out how more research and discoveries could be made.

The best way to do this is to suggest specific and actionable future research related to the work you have done. Your readers can then think more deeply about the possibilities of what could be achieved by extending your current findings. Not only will it inspire them to explore new avenues, but it can also guide them in their own research endeavours. It allows them to build on top of what you have already accomplished. Suggesting future research topics could also get researchers from different fields or who use different methods to work together who wouldn't normally think about doing so.

You could also discuss the implications of your research for policy or practice. However, you would want to provide concrete examples and evidence. Explain how the results of your study could affect public policies or organizational practices. When possible, draw on existing literature that supports your argument, because this will make it more convincing to readers. Think about how you can suggest specific changes that should be made based on your findings so that they have real-world effects. This lets you show that you have a deep understanding of how your research can be used in the real world and what it could mean for society.

Ideally, you want to frame your limitations as opportunities for growth and learning. Acknowledging weaknesses in your work shows that you have a critical eye, which will make readers more likely to take your research seriously. When you talk about limitations as opportunities, you give the impression that you want to learn from your mistakes and grow from them. This makes your audience (and reviewers) perceive you as well-rounded and skilled.

Here some sentence templates to round off your limitations and future work:

  • In spite of limitations because of {X}, we believe our work {has these strong implications}.
  • This study provides the backbone/a springboard for {these actionable future research items}.

In conclusion, crafting a well-written academic paper requires a thoughtful and meticulous approach to each section. You improve the quality and influence of your research by engaging readers with captivating introductions, demonstrating the relevance of your work through related literature, clearly outlining your methods, effectively presenting results, and discussing the broader implications of your findings. Also, pointing out the problems and making suggestions for the future shows your critical thinking skills and encourages more research in your field. In the end, using these writing tips will improve how your paper is received by your peers and add to the ongoing academic conversation in your field. As you embark on your writing journey, remember to be patient, persistent, and open to learning; each paper is an opportunity to grow as a scholar and a writer.

Curious to explore how we can tackle your writing struggles? I've got 3 suggestions that could be a great fit.

  1. Get my CHI paper writing masterclass: Unlock your potential with the How to Write Better Papers Course for HCI researchers. This course offers concise, actionable video lessons you can absorb at your own pace, saving you time. Get expert guidance tailored for CHI and HCI publications with proven strategies. Gain the skills to succeed in a competitive field.
  2. Learn how to write papers with AI ethically: Access the AI Research Tools Webinar to improve your research and writing skills. Enjoy a 3-hour tutorial with subtitles in 19 languages, 46 detailed slides, and a 1-hour ChatGPT bonus tutorial with 39 prompts. Learn from 3 app tutorials (Yomu AI, SciSpace, and Sourcely) and get a 184-page Mastery Guide on 34 AI tools. This bundle provides everything you need for AI-powered academic success.
  3. Defend your thesis with confidence: Increase your productivity and graduate success with this thesis workshop. Get instant access to a 3-hour video, 64 instructional slides, and curated productivity software. Use our online whiteboard and a 7-page workbook of checklists and prompts. Prepare confidently with a 10-page Viva questions guide and a PhD exam checklist. Optimize your thesis workflow and excel in your studies.

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